Thursday, April 12, 2012

TIE Blog 2

So I FINALLY finished this voice thread that I was so anxious and nervous about and wasn't bad AT ALL. The students LOV ED it. They liked doing something totally different from what they do. They also enjoyed hearing their own voice play back and putting the head set on. A few students got nervous once I said to record so I had them write it down and then read it off of the paper. Everything worked out great. The students did tend to want to record versus write in their comment. The ones that are usually "shy" in class took over the mic.

"What worked well?"
- Definitely having the students make it their own and record their responses. Also, having the students write down their responses and then read them off of the paper because a few students froze when it was time to record.

"What would I do differently?"
- I would have had the computer already set up on voice thread before hand. It didn't take much time to pull it up and get the students started but while I was trying to set up the students on the computer the other students were at their desk doing their assignment with not much guidance. I think I was also nervous of getting everything done in time so I was rushing and not really paying attention.

The questions that the students worked with were:

What happens while the chick is in the egg?

Does the chick look like a chicken?

What is the difference between a female and male chicken?

Does it matter what picture you put first in the life cycle?

Two students working on the voice thread. Very Proud!!!

Here it is!!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


My lesson that I will be incorporating with my voice thread will be for 1st grade students learning the life cycle of the chicken. Another PST that is in 1st grade, Princess, will be doing her life cycle on frogs. We will contrast the two. We will ask students what does the life cycle of a frog have similar of the life cycle of the chicken. I will also have students comment on how it does not matter where the life cycle starts is a life cycle it continues and starts wherever......

my TEK is...

(10)  Organisms and environments. The student knows that organisms resemble their parents and have structures and processes that help them survive within their environments. The student is expected to:

(D)  observe and record life cycles of animals such as a chicken, frog, or fish.

I recently got pictures from my CT that I might be using instead. I need to play around with it more and see what looks best!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Test Voicethread!

I have never done a voicethread before. This was my first one and we were to do one stress relievers. Mine was working out.When ever I am stressed this is my thing to do to be relieved. I initiality thought voicethread was going to be difficult but it was actually really easy. We were able to have them call to our cell phone and we could record from there if we didn't have a microphone! Super cool! You had to record within 3 minutes. Michelle and Princess added 2 other slides to this. Michelle added a video which was added very quickly and made the Voice thread entertaining.You can also click on the comment and chose an icon with different colors for the different comments. This will be very helpful for our real voice thread with our students. You can also draw or "doodle" on the the screen which was kind of fun to play around with. I uploaded my picture with no problem. I didn't even have to save the image to my computer. I just copied and pasted my image URL to the slot and it uploaded. It took me awhile to figure out how to add caption to it but I eventually got it. 

I have to be honest I was extremely nervous about using voice thread but after playing around with it for awhile it started to get simple. Also, making mistakes helped me figure out the different tool :)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Beginning Voicethread

I really liked how Ms. Newton used the links during her last blog. I fee that is was very organized and well thought out. I also like the simple pictures of the animals the children found and they each put input in it to describe what they had.

On Mr. Keeler's voice thread he got pictures from a text instead of actual life pictures. I really liked it and thought it was well organized. He had colors labeled on the side of his video I am not sure how they were connected to the voice thread but they gave useful information which I liked. He also used the smart board on his next video. There were teachers that also thought his video was done very well.